Eesti keeles | Saksa keeles | Inglise keeles |
Auruvedur | Dampflokomotive | Steam Locomotive |
Abivedur | Hilfslokomotive | Relief Engine, Emergency Locomotive |
Akutoitega väikevedur | Speicher Kleinlokomotive Batterie Kleinlokomotive |
Battery-Driver Light Rail Tractor |
Akuvedur | Speicherlokomotive Akkumulator Lokomotive |
Accumulator Locomotive Battery Locomotive |
Ballastiplaneerija | Gleisunterhaltungsfahrzeug | Track Mainteance Machine |
Climax-tüüpi auruvedur | Climax-Dampflokomotive | Climax Locomotive |
Diiselelektrivedur | Dieselelektrische Lokomotive | Dieselelectric Locomotive |
Diiselhüdrauliline vedur | Dieselhydrailische Lokomotive | Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive |
Diiselmehaaniline vedur | Dieselmechanische Lokomotive | Diesel Mechanical Locomotive |
Diiselmootoriga manöövervedur | Diesel-Rangierlokomotive Rangier-Diesellokomotive |
Diesel Shunter |
Diiselvedur | Diesellok | Diesel Locomotive |
Dresiin, lokomootor | Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine Motordraisine |
Track Motor Car, Powered Gang Car, Gang Car, Mainteance Personal Car |
Elektrivedur | E-Lok, Ellok, Elektrolok | Electric Locomotive |
Garrat-tüüpi auruvedur | Garrat-Dampfokomotive | Garrat-Locomotive |
Hammasraudtee elektrivedur | Zahnrad-Ellok | Electric Rack-Rail Locomotive |
Hammasraudtee kauba-reisi tankvedur |
Zahnrad-Mehrzweck-Tenderlok Zahnrad-Universal-Tenderlok |
Mixed Trafiic Rack Locomotive General Purpose Locomotive |
Heisler-tüüpi auruvedur | Heisler-Dampflokomotive | Heisler Locomotive |
Iseliikuv teemõõtevagun | Oberbaumeßwagen | Permanent-Way Dynamometer Car |
Kabiiniga tender | Kabinentender | Tender with Brakeman´s Cab |
Kaevandusvedur | Grubenlokomotive | Mine Locomotive |
Kahesektsiooniline vedur | Zweifahrlokomotive, Doppel-lok | Double Locomotive |
Kaksikvedu | Zweikraftlokomotive | Two-Power Locomotive |
Kaubavedur | Güterzuglok | Freight Locomotive, Goods Locomotive |
Kerge tankvedur | Leichte Tenderlokomotive | Light Weight Tank Locomotive |
Kiirekäiguline auruvedur | Schnellfahrlok | Very High-Speed Locomotive |
Kiirrongi auruvedur | Schnellzug-Dampflok | Express Steam Locomotive |
Kiirrongivedur | Schnellzuglokomotive | Express Locomotive |
Kitsarööpmelise tööstusraudtee auruvedur, väliraudtee vedur |
Feldbahnlok Feldbahndampflok |
Light Railway Steam Locomotive |
Kõrgsurve auruvedur | Hochdrucklokomotive | High-Pressure Locomotive |
Käsidresiin | Handgetriebene Draisine | Hand Car |
Liigendvedur | Gelenklokomotive | Articulated Locomotive |
Lokomootor, dresiin | Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine Motordraisine |
Track Motor Car, Powered Gang Car, Gang Car, Mainteance Personal Car |
Lumesahk | Schneeflug | Snowplow, Snow Plough |
Mahatõstetav dresiin, teekäru | Kleinwagen | Small-Size Car, Lorry |
Mahatõstetav dresiin, teerullik | Gleiswagen, Gleisrotten Wagen |
Gang Trailer, Gang Trolley, Gang Car Trailer Gang Trolley |
Mallet-tüüpi auruvedur | Mallet-dampflokomotive | Mallet Locomotive |
Manöövervedur | Rangierlok | Shunter, Shunting Locomotive Switching Locomotive, Switcher |
Mitmest vedurist rongipea | Lokbespanntezug | Locomotive Hauled Train, - Head Lamp |
Raskekaalulise rongi tendervedur | Schwere Tenderlokomotive | Heavy Goods Train Tank Locomotive |
Raskeveo auruvedur | Hochleistunglokomotive | High-Power Locomotive |
Raudteeauto | Schienen-LKW | Rail Truck |
Reisivedur | Reisezuglokomotive | Passenger Locomotive |
Reserv-vedur | Bereitschaftslokomotive | Reserve Locomotive, Stand-by Locomotive Emergency locomotive |
Shay-tüüpi auruvedur | Shay-Dampflokomotive | Shay Locomotive |
Söekütte tender | Kohlentender | Coal Tender |
Tankvedur | Tenderlok, Tenderdampflok | Tank Locomotive |
Teekäru, mahatõstetav dresiin | Kleinwagen | Small-Size Car, Lorry |
Teerullik, mahatõstetav dresiin | Rollbock | Truck, Trolley |
Teerullik, mahatõstetav dresiin | Gleiswagen, Gleisrotten Wagen |
Gang Trailer, Gang Trolley, Gang Car Trailer Gang Trolley |
Tender | Schleppetender | Trailing Truck, Tender |
Tendriga vedur | Schleppetender dampflok Schleppetenderlok Dampflok mit Schleppetender |
Steam loco with Tender Tender Locomotive Steam Locomotive with Separate Tender |
Toppimismasin | Gleis-Stopfmachine Plasser | Track Tamping Unit |
Tõukevedur | Schiebelokomotive | Barking Locomotive, Booster Locomotive Assistant Locomotive, Pusher Locomotive, Helpler |
Universaalvedur | Mehrzwecklokomotive Universallokomotive |
Mixed Traffic Locomotive General Purpose Locomotive |
Vann-tender | Wannentender | Tuby-Style Tender |
Voolujooneline auruvedur | Stromlinienlok | Stream Lined Locomotive |
Väikevedur | Diesel-Kleinlok | Small Diesel Shunter, Diesel Shunting Motor Tractor |
Väliraudtee vedur, kitsarööpmelise tööstusraudtee auruvedur |
Feldbahnlok Feldbahndampflok |
Light Railway Steam Locomotive |
Õlikütte tender | Öl-tender, Treibstoftender | Fuel Tender |
Ülekandevõlliga auruvedurid | Getriebelokomotive | Geared Steam Locomotive |